About The Perspicacious Conservative


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Jessica Szilagyi is a liberty-minded blogger in Georgia who, in addition to writing for her own LibertyBelleblog, she is a statewide contributor for AllOnGeorgia.com and Fox5 Atlanta’s “Like It or Not.” She also contributes to Georgia’s premier political pundit site, GeorgiaPol.com.

Jessica is an activist who works to to improve transparency and accountability in rural communities in South Georgia. She has previously managed multiple campaigns from district attorneys to Congressional candidates and serves as a policy analyst for several Georgia House members during the legislative session.

Jessica is a lifelong Georgia resident growing up just outside of Atlanta and spending most of her time in and around metro Atlanta. She attended Georgia State University, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and the University of Georgia where she attained a Masters in Public Administration. She also has a Specialist Degree in Criminal Justice and is a recent graduate of Republican Leadership for Georgia.

She now resides in Southeast Georgia. You can read about the adventure on here other blog here.

For questions, articles or to suggest a blog topic (or be a guest blogger) e-mail The Perspicacious Conservative at theperspicaciousconservative@gmail.com


7 thoughts on “About The Perspicacious Conservative

  1. Samantha

    I love this blog! It’s refreshing to see someone so knowledgeable and up-to-date about the politics of our area and the nation. You defend your view, but do it with facts! Keep up the great work!

  2. Andrew S. Wordes aka The Roswell Chickenman

    Thanks for your great perspective on limited government. Nice to see young people who still care about the world we live in. Congratulations on 10,000 hits and your first year.

  3. Pingback: And I would’ve got away with it too had it not been for those meddling kids! — Peach Pundit

  4. Aisha Yaqoob

    Hi Jessica. I randomly came across your blog on Facebook. I really enjoyed your post “Oh the Humanity!” Also wanted to add that I’m working on my MPA at UGA with your same concentrations — how cool! Always great to see MPA grads in big places.

  5. Steve

    I stumbled across and spent the better part of the morning reading your blog. I could immediately tell that we do not share the same political point of reference. But, oh my, what a talented writer you are. I respect and understand your positions. Good luck with all your endeavors. You have a bright future.


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