Category Archives: Politics is Local

Ringgold is Wrong to Target Sex Offenders in New ‘Homelessness Ordinance”

The City of Ringgold in northwest Georgia has enacted an emergency ordinance to address sex offenders living under a bridge in the community.

The council adopted an “urban camping” ordinance Monday night which, according to The Times Free Press, bans “tents, “other temporary structures,” clothes, sleeping bags, cookware or luggage from public property.” The ordinance deals with homelessness generally, but is directed at those with criminal pasts.

Councilman Larry Black brought the idea forward after he learned that five men living under a bridge were sex offenders recently released from prison.”We have no way of knowing what that person is doing, as far as our safety concerns of our children, at 3, 4 o’clock in the morning, when we’re very vulnerable,” he’s quoted saying in the paper. A citizen was quoted voicing concerns over fishing safety near the bridge with the homeless using the restroom in such close proximity.

The new ordinance comes with a written warning to vacate within 24 hours and is then followed by tickets with $1,000 fines, 60 days in jail, and orders for community service.

Before we go any further, let’s first be clear that 99.9% of people who are homeless cannot afford to pay a $1,000 fine and many homeless people would prefer to spend a night in jail, especially as the winter months approach.

Now, to the merits of the ordinance….

The emergency ordinance was put in place to allow the council time to properly advertise and pass a more permanent ordinance. As an advocate for transparency and accountability in government, I can’t say that I’m a fan of this practice. Usually, emergency ordinances are reserved for natural disasters or extenuating circumstances of a manmade disaster. Five men under a bridge is neither an emergency nor a disaster, and it isn’t something that can’t wait 30 days to be done correctly. But there is more substance to discuss than the ‘how.’

Why are these men living under a bridge?

Arguably, it is because laws on the books restrict where sex offenders can live and a criminal background that can often be a hurdle for employment.

This is a conversation that partially reared its ugly head when reports of cities and counties requiring sex offenders to report to a secure location on Halloween came to light. “What to do” with sex offenders is understandably an emotional topic, and while there are a number of people who would love to see those who commit sexual offenses be locked away forever, our current system doesn’t allow for that. So as long as these offenders are being released into society, we have to discuss what to do with them.

Since 2008, state law has prohibited convicted sex offenders from working or living within 1,000 feet of a church, school, park, or other place where children gather. It doesn’t seem outrageous until you consider places like Catoosa County where only two apartment complexes meet the standard. In metro areas, more housing is available, but if you concentrate so many offenders to metro areas, you’ll eventually run into the same problem — not enough housing.

Whether you are talking about a metro area or a rural area, not enough housing will always lead to homelessness. Find me a community where there isn’t homelessness, while we’re on the topic.

So, back to the ordinance.

Do we want these convicts living under a bridge or do we want them gainfully employed somewhere and contributing to society? Do we want them focused on rebuilding and re-entering regular life or do we want them bored, living outdoors, and willing to do whatever it takes to survive? Is the end goal to eradicate sex offenders from a city, or county, or state as a whole? Does anyone think that’s financially or practically possible, short of literally rounding them up and taking them elsewhere?

When we are talking about issues as serious as this, we can’t talk in wide platitudes of what should happen in a perfect world or if you were ruling on the bench. We have to talk about practicality of what makes sense and what can actually be enforced. Does this ordinance meet that threshold?

And just like every other law, this one has unintended consequences.

The city is criminalizing homelessness. The wide net will capture those who aren’t sex offenders, or even convicts at all, and put them in a position to have a criminal background when they otherwise would not. With regard to the homeless who don’t have a criminal past — is the goal to tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get back on their feet as long as they do it somewhere else?

By criminalizing homelessness, those who are out on parole or probation will be reincarcerated if they are arrested. If that is the end goal, the City of Ringgold should just acknowledge that the method is simply to make an offender ‘someone else’s problem.’

Another thing to consider is whether or not something like this can hold up in court. The same ordinance passed in Grants Pass, Oregon as is working its way through the courts right now under constitutional right violations – specifically the 8th and 14th Amendments. In September, a federal court of appeals ruled that the Constitution forbids cities from prosecuting homeless persons for sleeping in public places when they have no alternative.

I won’t claim to know the proximity of this bridge in Ringgold to children and I won’t even claim to have all the answers. But I can assert that this type of ordinance is NOT the answer.  One of the men under the bridge has reportedly lived there for decades, without incident. Pretending to be ‘tough on crime,’ pro-children, and anti-sex offender when you’re really just ‘pro-cycle of poverty’ is disingenuous, especially when courts have already ruled on the matter.

The City of Ringgold doesn’t know what the answer is, either. As evidenced by those voicing concerns over the ability to track homeless sex offenders, the cleanliness of fishing sources, the dangers of cooking under a bridge, and any of the other reasons mustered to try to tip the scales of public opinion to fear, it appears that council members and the community in Ringgold may not even know the question.

You’re not ready for that, Bro!

DISCLOSURE: I am not employed for any campaign in the House District 21 Special election, nor am I employed for any company working on any campaign in the race. I do not live in Cherokee county and cannot vote for any of the candidates. The following blog post is based solely on personal interactions and in no way reflects any other campaign.

On Facebook, there is a ‘group’ titled “Cherokee Young Republicans”. Because it is a group, notifications are sent out whenever posts are made. On New Years Eve, I received posts because candidate Brian Laurens had posted in the group. He posted about his being the ‘right man for the job’ to which I questioned why he waited until the incumbent stepped down if he was the right man for the job. You can see the interaction below:

laurens2laurens3So, I missed the screen shot on my entire comment, but, basically I was drawing attention to the fact that if this seat is so important because of the ISSUES affecting Cherokee county, it wouldn’t matter if there was an incumbent or not. It would be solely about the people of Cherokee. We can see by Mr. Laurens comments that he could care less that I’m not a constituent, but only because I’m not donating money. He also attempted to discredit me by associating me with another campaign based upon previous work experience, which is also false.  You can check where Laurens received his out-of-district donations by visiting here, but I think it’s obvious that Mr. Laurens couldn’t care less about citizen input unless there is money involved. Instead of responding, Mr. Laurens deleted the post. (I knew he would…thus the screen shots.)

Mr. Laurens also posted about pledging the Fair Tax. As a campaign consultant and as a Georgia taxpayer, I can’t stand when candidates make empty promises that they cannot single-handedly uphold. You can pledge to refuse lobby donations and you can pledge to host town hall meetings, heck, you can pledge to only wear black suits. You cannot pledge to champion legislation. Sorry. It just doesn’t work that way. He included a picture of his mailer and of course, I called him out. He responded as seen below.
Now- it seems to me that Mr. Laurens has forgotten that while he may be the direct representative of the residents in Cherokee county, he has the ability to affect every citizen in Georgia. To break it down for you on a very basic level, Brian, it means your actions are part of a greater body that works toward all kinds of people from all parts of the state. Therefore, I have every right to an opinion about what you ‘pledge’ to do.

It’s no secret that Mr. Laurens doesn’t care for me as a blogger (as he has made quite clear during interactions with me and an employer) and he didn’t appreciate my lack of brown-nosing to former Senator Chip Rogers. Is that really cause for public dismissal?

Mr. Laurens shows his “outpouring of support” from the community and leaders across Cherokee…

Yet, just a few days later, Mr. Laurens posted on his Facebook page that he doesn’t care about any endorsements. Just the people.
laurens.postBUT!  This was just days after a series of Georgia Right to Life endorsement pushes and posts, and likely mailers.

So which one is it, Brian? Do you care about the leaders in Cherokee or do you care about the voters? According to your posts, it can’t be both. And please don’t go all John Kerry on us.
I think we are all tired of dismissive and condescending males who think they have a shoe-in to public office because of who they know.  I think it’s clear that Mr. Laurens is not cut out for this office at this time. Maybe after a little growing and a little humility, things will be different.

Also, you can’t put your own kid on the Georgia- Right to Life endorsement. That’s cheating.

Who’s In Your Backyard??

I’m a girly-girl. I like fashion, conservative politics and my puppies. I’m young by most standards and am still in the phase of my life where I’m “doing me”. I work hard but most days I can’t walk away from a good pair of Vera Wang boots. So you can imagine my own surprise when I became so passionate about chickens…..Yes, chickens.

Of course it all started with a very special friend named Andrew Wordes. And it certainly wasn’t just about chickens. But chickens were the start of it and chickens were the end of it. A select neighbor, and then the City of Roswell, did not want chickens on Andrews property. They said the chicks and hens were a nuisance (but a couple pigs were okay!).  They tried to enforce new ordinances, take him to court and ultimately harassed him to the brink of him taking his own life. Certainly not all cases (at least the ones we hear about) end up this way- and thank God for that. But we see it all over the state and the country. Right here in a Cobb County, a man is a facing is own battle with the county.

Residents in South Carolina, Nebraska and Rhode Island, among many others, are speaking out for the right to do as they please on their own property. A man up north was fined $5,200 for growing cucumbers in his yard and a homeowner in Orlando was given only a few days to dig up his garden because he ‘violated city codes’ on crop growing. And most outrageously, a couple was fined $1,650 for their noisy toddler in a condo complex. All were labeled ‘nuisances’.

Let’s consider a few aspects of what a nuisance is…
1.) Are chickens in your neighbors yard affecting whether you eat, sleep, breathe, work, produce, or live your life?—NO. Only roosters are loud.
2) Are chickens in your neighbors yard a health hazard? — NO. Yes, they do their dootie, but so do dogs. Most chicken owners keep their coops and backyards neat and clean. Rarely does one receive a health code violation.
3) Are chickens coops an eye sore? –NO. And if it’s in the backyard, who gives a darn?
4) Why does it bother you if someone has a garden on their property? It’s better than overgrown weeds and brush or trash and if you’re a good neighbor, you’d likely get some nice produce.
5) Does the sound of a child’s laughter really grind your behind THAT much? In the middle of the day?!?

What it comes down to is a bunch of snooty suburbanites who simply can’t handle the idea of their precious community have any characteristics of farms, whether it be animals, coops or crops. Homeowners associations are a nasty excuse for “acceptable” regulation. Why should you dictate what I do on my property? If I want to garden, I should garden. If I want to raise chickens, I should raise chickens. If I want to have a goat and play with it in the backyard of my suburban house in my Vera Wang boots while my toddler is laughing and jumping around, then I should do so. Without the intervention, permission, regulation, oversight or taxation of any level of government.

I’ll never forgive or forget what the City of Roswell did to Andrew. It was despicable and nothing short of tragic. But I’m asking you to think twice before you get your panties in a wad over what someone else is doing on their property. What happened to love thy neighbor? Why have we become this pathetic dependent on government to solve even the smallest disputes? I thought property rights were one of our very core foundations? Privacy? Freedom? At the end of the day, it may be about chickens for you…but for the person with the chickens, or the garden, or the toddler, it’s about property, protection and personal liberty. The federal government can tax us and control many of our activities, but we are most vulnerable at the local level– where no one is paying attention.

My November 2012 Ballot

I know many of you have already voted, so for some this may not apply, but here are my voting suggestions for Tuesday. Everyone is very focused on the Presidential race–as they should be– but it’s important to research your local and state candidates as well. Feel free to comment or e-mail with any other questions. I skipped candidates who had no opposition.

-I am voting to keep Chuck Eaton (R). Chuck Eaton is the only candidate who reached out to me during the primary and the general election. Personal interactions matters, folks.

-I am voting for David Staples. He is the Libertarian candidate and I support him not only because of beliefs but also because Stan Wise had complete disregard for informing voters during both the primary and the general election by refusing to show up for debates or participate in forums. I’d like to see him voted out.

While I no longer live in the 5th district, I am so happy to see a Republican with more conservative leanings running against (too)-long-time-incumbent John Lewis. For that reason, I would suggest voting for Howard Stopeck. {I would like to thank John Lewis for for voting “No” to the NDAA in 2011, though. It’s one of the few things I can say he has done correctly in representing the American people}.

I grew up in the 6th district and have many family and friends who still reside there. I would select Tom Price, even though he voted in favor of the NDAA. Unless you are a proponent of the ‘write-in’ option, your other choice is a Democrat by the name of Jeff Kazanow. I know nothing about him so I can’t recommend him. I can still muster support of Tom Price because of his adamant fight against Obamacare and push for repeal. (And, I like his wife, Betty, who was a supporter of Andrew Wordes)

I was recently added to the 11th district so my choice is Phil Gingrey. I did not support him in the primary, however, it’s important to vote red.

I am voting for Hunter Hill. I could not, would not, should not support Doug Stoner under any circumstance most importantly because of his support of the TSPLOST. I would like to congratulate both candidates on sending the largest number of mail outs in one election cycle. I often times received more than one from the same candidate on the same day. (For future reference, I think that diminishes effectiveness.) But Go Hunter!

If you’re reading this blog, you know what I think. Next.

I am voting for Edward Lindsey. He is my current State Rep and while I disagree with him on the Charter School amendment, he has done a great job representing the people of Buckhead and Sandy Springs. I also had the opportunity to work with him during the 2012 Legislative Session and I can say he is truly a good person.

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under no circumstance, in no context, for any reason, do I support the expansion of government. The Charter School Amendment isn’t about the kids. It’s about government and oversight. If this amendment passes, a state board will be allowed to override the decision of a local school district to deny a Charter. In that situation, a local school board will have to deal with the ramifications of a new school that they once denied. What kind of environment do you think THAT will make for the kids? You can read more about why you should oppose the Charter School amendment here and here.

Yes. I like outsourcing and privatizing things when using tax funds.

NO!!!!! If you live in Roswell, you need to open your darn eyes and look at what’s happening to your city. Your government is corrupt beyond measure. Please please please vote no on this bond referendum. The City has already allotted for it in their 2013 FY budget because they are going bankrupt. This is NOT the solution. There are several different pages you can read about the bond and other corrupt activities linked to this bond. Vote NO and the move to Alpharetta.

There is a lot I’d like to say about Cobb, but I will refrain. If you live there, Phil Daniell is running in the 41st House District and needs your support, as does long-time great representative Sam Teasley in the 38th.

There are a couple things I’d like to note. I helped my boyfriend with his Absentee ballot from Florida. I was FLOORED by the steps the state took to protect citizens from Federal initiatives AND how much was put to citizen vote. I’d really like to see more of that in Georgia. (We do a pretty good job– we did defeat the TSPLOST)

But like I always say…Do your duty, shake your booty and get out and vote!

Tyranny at the Cobb GOP

Saturday I attended the Cobb GOP Breakfast. It was my first one since primary season, seeing as though I was still weeping and eating birthday cake for the August one. These breakfasts generally have the same schedule every month: some time to mingle, formalized prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, introduction of present elected officials and then on to the main speaker. This time, all was status quo until the elected officials were introduced and you heard several loud, overarching boos. They continued during each briefing by elected officials. When I turned around to see the boo-ers standing in a small group wearing Ron Paul shirts, I was overcome with disappointment.

I proudly supported Ron Paul during the Primary as well. I am a staunch Constitutionalist, I believe in the smallest form of government and vehemently disagree with many of the policies that have been implemented over the last few years- the NDAA, Obamacare, and ARRA to name a few. I sometimes feel misrepresented by parties and my elected officials and more often than not, feel many freedoms are slowly slipping away. But I’ve also accepted that Ron Paul is not the Republican nominee and if I would like to participate in Republican activities, whether it be on a personal level or a professional level, I need to be respectful of their causes, initiatives and goals.

During the booing, you could just see the Republicans in the room seething and becoming more and more irritated with every shout, cackle and disruption. It was truly disrespectful. I was sitting close enough to the gentlemen to overhear Congressman Phil Gingrey stop them on his way out. He said he appreciated their attendance and to please call his office if they would like to set up a meeting to discuss some of their concerns. The gentlemen shook his hand and then snickered and made even more nasty comments as the Congressman walked away. After the meeting as everything was breaking up, I walked up to the group of gentlemen and asked them why they attended the events if they hated Republicans so much. It immediately escalated to one gentleman yelling at me about my beliefs and shouting about my ignorance which drew a “You don’t KNOW me” from me. After explaining my disconcert with his delivery and my thoughts on party rejection of his message because of his delivery, the man admitted that he could be a bit brazen, brash and ‘in your face’ but that if he ‘changed’ one person, he won. I stated again that he is on Republican breeding ground and suggested a few different ways to garner different reactions. I extended my hand for a handshake at the end of our heated discussion and asked them to please consider my points.

But here is the thing: The venue is all wrong. You have to know your audience, man. We were at a REPUBLICAN breakfast to rally for REPUBLICAN ideals and to initiate a REPUBLICAN grassroots effort. I don’t attend Democrat events in an attempt to alter their opinions on gun control (or the lack of need for it), abortion, affirmative action or any other issue. It wouldn’t make any sense. It’s like yelling at a brick wall. My mom always told me you get further with honey than with vinegar and I certainly never received any recognition for throwing a temper tantrum. If you’d like pancakes for dinner, instead of saying “I WANT THE ******* pancakes you *** ** * *****!!!!” maybe try “I’d like to have pancakes for dinner some time this week. Is that something we can discuss?” Compromise. Act like adults.

Republicans shout that a write-in or 3rd party vote is a vote for Obama. Ron Paul extremists shout that Romney=Obama. But the cold hard reality is that both groups need each other if they want to make any progress.

Do I believe that the Republican Party, on a local and state level, should make a more concerted effort to address the issues and concerns of Ron Paul supporters? Yes, I do. Do I believe that many Ron Paul supporters have been acting like children and therefore discrediting the rest of us? Yes, I do.

So let’s recap.
I support their message.
I believe in dissent.
I don’t like boo-ers.
I don’t support their method of delivery.
I don’t condone disrespect or temper tantrums.
I want real change.
I want Obama out of office.

The options are a) incremental change with the Republican party or b) full-on revolution.

Which is going to stabilize things for our country that we so desperately need?

Guest Blog: Mike Boyce on VA Benefits

Another guest blog from Cobb County Commission Chairman Candidate: Mike Boyce. You can learn more about his campaign at


Time is the most precious commodity on the campaign trail and any events that are not campaign-related are given short shrift.  Since I began my campaign in earnest last fall, my stack of unread books continues to await, an indirect barometer of the future:  If I win the books will continue to gather dust and if otherwise they are a consolation to a battle well fought.

One of the few practices that I have not cast aside is my commitment to veterans, particularly those in need of health care or benefits.  As Glen  Martin,  my favorite patriot with the Disabled Veterans of America so succinctly sums it up, they served so they deserve.  So for the last year, almost weekly and sometimes more, I have been taking veterans to the Veterans Administration office in Decatur to assist them in registering for health care or other benefits.  Once they enter the portals of the VA hospital they are welcomed and treated as heroes.  Members of the staff, regardless of their responsibilities, convey a clear message that all veterans are to be accorded the respect and dignity which their service to America entitles them.  The testimonies that I have heard from the veterans that I have shepherded to the VA are an affirmation of the spiritual message that in service you are rewarded with manifold blessings.   To have witnessed a wrong corrected after 40 years, a benefit rendered with a savings in the hundreds of dollars, a disability finally recognized and treated and compensation instituted to offset in some small degree the physical sacrifice and pain associated with the affliction, all these are just some of the many chapters in story that I in no way anticipated when I first began this mission.

One such account happened today as I waited for my latest veteran to complete his interview process for health care.  A lady sitting next to me struck up a conversation about her husband.  He was in the Army during the Vietnam War and was now diagnosed with diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease.  All  these diagnoses had been determined to be associated with his contact with Agent Orange while in Vietnam.  As I listened to this lady talk about her family, her husband, and care for him, I was, in a word, amazed.    Several months ago I saw a letter dated in the 1970’s from the VA denying his request for health care for medical conditions associated with Agent Orange because of the lack of any substantiating evidence corroborating the effects of Agent Orange.  A generation later there is now a substantial list of illnesses that are “presumed” to be linked to Agent Orange.  I could only sit and listen in astonishment as the lady described the litany of treatments and support that the VA was providing for this veteran and his family.  They classified him as 100% disabled entitling him to disability compensation and free medical care.  His house has been modified at US government expense to accommodate his need for wheel chair mobility.  His wife draws compensation as a caregiver.  Their drive to the VA hospital is reimbursed with a mileage payment—in cash before they leave for home.  Even more remarkable she told me her story without the least measure of sadness or anger.  She was proud of her husband, that he had served his country, and that America was not so much attempting to repay him for his sacrifice but to honor him but giving his last days the full spectrum of dignity.

God feeds us humility and humbleness in spoonfuls.  As I departed the waiting room with my Vietnam veteran, I stopped by the wheelchair, thanked this lady’s husband for his service and squeezed his hand.  His body was undoubtedly drawn tight by the Parkinson’s Disease, but it did not prevent him from looking up and acknowledging my small measure of gratefulness.  I was among heroes today and the most common type, unheralded, thankful to be with a family and friends that love them, and believing that their country will not forget or diminish their service.

There is a parable here as Cobb County government closes down senior centers and withdraws financial support for transportation for our special needs population.  We need to remind ourselves that ultimately we all will be put into the hands of people to care for us.  How that care is delivered and supported speaks volumes about us as a people and our values.  I’d like to believe that in our actions Cobb County represents the best intentions of our people and the most caring of our values.

Roswell Corruption Deepens, Mortgage Holder a Sham?

It’s been difficult to think or blog about anything since Andrew’s death. It weighs heavy on my heart but I am reminded of the battle we are facing and the need to stay focused. Having said that, there are some new developments in the Chicken Man v. Roswell case.

I recently visited with Andrew’s original mortgage holder, Dora Hardeman.
In our conversation, Dora stated that Andrew called her a few weeks before his death and asked if she had really sold the note to the home, as he had never met or had contact with the ‘new mortgage holder’. Dora responded that the note had been sold to man name Arnold Wall.
When I asked how she knew Arnold, she said she knew him through his wife who was a Real Estate Agent. I then asked her how the discussion of Andrew’s home and the sale of it came about. She said that Mr. Wall offered to buy the home from her but that she did not know him that well. I then asked her if she is paid from Mr. Wall regularly or in lump sum for Andrew’s home and she acknowledged that she had not received ANY money from Mr. Wall for the purchase of 335 Alpine Lane. At one point, Mrs. Hardeman questioned “if Arnold is trying to get out of paying the note” and if anyone unscrupulous was behind the purchase of the mortgage.

The formal recording will be released next week with the full interview.

Another development is that of which directly involves City Administrator Kay Love. Back in 2010, Andrew pushed the City of Roswell for a formal investigation into whether or not someone from the City illegally contacted his mortgage holder. In an email dated December 1, from Andrew Wordes to Kay Love, Andrew inquired as to who would be conducting the investigation. On December 2nd, Ms. Love responded with a response claiming that she was in charge. (You can read a digital version of the email thread Love.Wordes.) Ultimately, no “wrongdoing” was discovered.

It is difficult to grasp the concept that a City Administrator would be responsible for conducting an investigation of into the misdoings of the city they “administrate”.
Being the perspicacious person that I am, I put a call into the City of Alpharetta and Assistant City Administrator James Drinkard called me back almost immediately. When questioned about their investigative protocols, he stated “If there is the potential for laws to be broken or is criminal in nature, it is outsourced. And an outside agency is asked to come in.” That seems like a very thorough. He even went as far to say that when there is a question the handling of the situation, it is best to remove any question as soon as possible by outsourcing so as to not appear inappropriate. Specifically, he said “The City of Alpharetta is an open book”. Fair enough..
I also spoke with a clerk from the City of Milton. They said that while they do call for internal investigations within the police department, something on a larger scale would be outsourced to the GBI.

Without stating my own feelings about the circumstances and outcomes thus far, I urge you to evaluate the legitimacy and impartiality of Roswell’s actions so far. Ready. Set. Think.

Further details can be read at by Maggie Bean.

**As you know, The Perspicacious Conservative has been working studiously with in an in-depth investigation into the many corruptions of Roswell. There is a plethora of information at this time but both TPC and are dedicated to only releasing information with concrete proof. Information may seem slow to leak at times but I assure you: with time, it will come.

“It Aint Gonna Be Pretty!”

The last week has been quite confusing with a plethora of emotions: anger, sadness, understanding, not-so-much understanding. Several nights of laying awake thinking about Andrew, his final moments and days, his unwavering strength and stubbornness has left me reeling. I’ve read every article published from the Patch & Examiner to the Whiskey & Gunpowder site and it’s been interesting to read all of the different perspectives of the events of the last few years.

Yesterday,  Neighbor Newspapers published a scathing article about Andrew titled ‘Sheriff: Wordes incident could have been avoided”.

The most disgusting quote of the article was “We told him, you’re going to have a problem with Mr. Wordes,” Orrick said. “Mr. Wordes was seeking a physical confrontation with police. I said I was respectful of their job and didn’t question their authority, but it was likely to develop into him defending his home against the government and there was a less aggressive approach to doing it.

Chief Orrick, are you serious?? Andrew NEVER wanted a confrontation with the police. He wanted to be left alone, which you and your department never did. Yet, they offered to put surveillance around his home and “wait for Mr. Wordes to leave” as cited in the Neighbor article. Interesting. I have an email correspondence between a concerned citizen and Chief Orrick as well, which details the mistruths that Orrick is spreading about Andrew.

It was also an interesting tactic for Chief Orrick to claim that the Roswell police were not involved in the eviction process, nor did they back up the Fulton County Marshals. This is not true. Roswell cops were on ALL of the surrounding streets that day.

Andrew is dead. He is not here to defend himself. We have to do it for him- otherwise, City officials will tarnish what Andrew was working for. This story is bleeding with lies and half-truths. When I said it wasn’t over, it was because IT. ISN’T. OVER. We are working for Andrew, fighting for Andrew. Everything is about to come out, and as Andrew said, ‘It ain’t gonna be pretty!

***Please subscribe to the blog, or make sure to check the page often, for updates as on Andrew’s case with the City of Roswell unravel.

It’s Not Over.

I am deeply saddened by the news of my dear friend, Andrew Wordes- The Roswell Chicken Man. This morning as marshalls summoned him to leave his home at the final stage of his eviction process, Andrew cautioned everyone to leave the property. As soon as they did, his home exploded resulting in a fire and soon after, the medical examiner was called into the home.

We all lost a little something today. Andrew was a man of faith, with a strong love for God. He was a staunch Constitutionalist with a passion for our freedoms and liberties. He taught me a lot in the short time I knew him. We talked often and he openly shared his story and his dedication to what America used to stand for. He was a fighter and I admired his immense devotion to his sweet birds, pigs and dogs. He cared about everyone around him and was always kind and generous. I am saddened that evil trampled him to the end of his rope.

Andrew fought the good fight,not just for himself but for others because he knew it could happen to anyone. And it is. Eminent domain is being abused all over our country, just look it up. Communities are plagued with repeated abuses of the use of eminent domain. It’s tragic and your neighborhood could be next. Andrew fought to his last breath, for himself, for me, for you. In his mind, he went on his terms. Right out of Atlas Shrugged. Andrew is at peace now but it’s not over.

I will fight-fight-fight to make sure the legislators responsible for this do not forget what they have done. People are not stupid. Check out WSB-tv and CBS Atlanta article comments. People are outraged. THEY KNOW that those that represent us don’t protect us. So just know, you will not get reelected next time. Becky Wynn, John Albers, Rich Dippolito, Kay Love and all the others that had the opportunity to speak up and help this man but chose to be cowards and walk away. John Albers received constituent emails asking him to step up and help. He said it was out of his hands and there was nothing he could have done. That was five months ago, Senator. Andrew kept fighting. Why didn’t you? Did you forget that Andrew Wordes volunteered on your campaign in 2009-2010 but you still ignored phone calls and pleas for help? Senator Albers, you FAILED each and every one of your constituents. You claim to be a supporter of the Constitution and true conservative. Where the hell were you? Andrew allegedly called you day in, and day out, begging for a contact or ideas. How will you sleep at night Becky and Rich and Kay? You pushed Mr. Wordes to this point. You marched around Roswell bashing Andrew, annihilating his character, marking him as crazy and filing lawsuits whenever you could, bankrupting him and denying him rights given to property owners in the United States. You are nothing but evil and true detriments to society. People know the truth. When we see you sympathetically on the news, we won’t let your makeup and hair flips fool us. You care about one thing: reelection. But you will not get it. Senator Albers will have primary opposition this July…vote him out. Fight tooth and nail with his opposition to show what a true conservative and American is. Wynn & Dippolito unfortunately just won reelction in November but you can still show your disdain and dissatisfaction for the entire city. As for me, I will not dine, live, shop, walk, or smile in Roswell until justice is served for Andrew. If we don’t, Roswell will never be the same.

As I drove to class tonight, I was behind an old beat up suburban with two chicken cages strapped to the back. The chickens stared at me all the way up the interstate. I could only smile because Andrew is still here. He has instilled a fight and a passion within so many of us and we will continue to fight for what’s right. For Andrew. Rest In Peace, Sir.

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ~Kenji Miyazawa

Sandy Springs is going to take your stuff…

There are a lot of things I dislike about government but in my Top 25 of Least Appreciated Aspects of Government, eminent domain would probably be very high on the list.

Eminent domain is “an action of the state to seize a citizen’s property, expropriate property or seize a citizen’s right in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner’s consent”. It happens all the time. The government swoops in to build highways, public utilities and railroads. Sometimes eminent domain is also used for public safety purposes.

Now, the City of Sandy Springs is attempting to do this in an effort to build a City Hall. (yes, i just gave you the reasons for eminent domain. Did you see building a ‘a city hall’. Let’s get a couple of things clear…The original place is the old Target shopping center that’s been vacant for a good while now. It would be beneficial to have the current vacancy filled with something that isn’t ten feet down the road (I.e. another Target or Trader Joe’s). But Sandy Springs doesn’t want to stop at the Target. According to WSBtv, Will Smith’s Master Kleen dry-cleaner has operated at the corner of Roswell Road and Mt. Vernon Highway for 43 years but Mayor Eva Galambos is trying to attain the whole block. She said, “You don’t exactly want a tattoo parlor as the entrance to your city complex. So, some of it is we want something people can be proud of.” Really Mayor? What about the business owners that are proud of their shops, businesses and city?

It would be a different story if Sandy Springs was making reasonable offers, but they are lowball ing the heck out of owners. [Also, Sandy Springs brings in plenty of revenue via traffic tickets. Their cops are everywhere. They can afford to offer these business owners a reasonable price.] So just to fully understand this: Sandy Springs wants to low ball property owners in an already struggling economy, where property values are far below what these people paid, but the City wants to offer them even less than that and essentially force them to move their business elsewhere to build a City Hall that Mayor Galambos can be proud of…even though many of these businesses existed well before the City did?

What about the 5th Amendment in the Bill of Rights? Stating…” …nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” Do we really think the GOVERNMENT should be the people to decide what is just compensation?

There are some loonies out there that say we don’t really own anything because the government can come in and take part or all of things at any given time. The City of Sandy Springs gives a little more merit to that.