The Chicken Man


City of Roswell Corruption

Demanding Accountability In Memory of Andrew Wordes.

5/4/2012AUDIO: Chicken Man’s Former Mortgage Holder Cared for Andrew, Not Money
Audio from the interview with the former mortgage holder detailing her relationship with Andrew before he passed.

4/25/2012 “Roswell Corruption Deepens, Mortgage Holder a Sham?
-It comes out that Andrews former mortgage holder never received a dime from the man who purchased the note to Andrew’s property. The note was placed in a shell company and the former mortgage holder has little documentation to show for the transaction.

4/4/2012 “It A’int Gonna Be Pretty!
-A rebuttal to local false allegations of what took place the day Andrew passed, including the statement where Roswell Police Chief states he suggested surveillance of Andrew’s home.

3/26/2012 “It’s Not Over
-Written on the day of Andrew’s death, with a heavy heart, his finals days are recounted along with a fierce finger pointing in the direction of those responsible.

2/21/2012 “The Final Fight”
-Andrew’s eviction date is set and options are exhausted. We continue to fight and draw attention to his case.

11/23/2011 “Person of the Week: Andrew Wordes, The Roswell Chicken Man
-Andrew is released from jail and fighting harder than ever for his property, his animals and his life.

10/13/2011 “A Letter to the Citizens of Roswell”
– Budget shortfalls discussed by City Council Post 2 Candidate Lee Fleck

10/3/2011 “Goin’ Through It Like It’s Water”
-The Roswell City Council plans a water plant to the tune of millions of dollars all undetected by the citizens and while driving the City further into debt.

9/19.2011 “Roswell Isn’t Wynn-ing, Vote for Lee Fleck!”
-The City Council seat held by the corrupt Becky Wynn is challenged by someone who can actually do more than brew a pot of coffee.

8/14/2011 “The Fate of the Chicken Man
-Andrew is thrown in jail for 99 days for illegally grading his property (to protect it from floods) and failing to meet probation for related violations. During this time, his home is looted (while under the watch of the Roswell Police Department) and the foreclosure process begins.

8/6/ 2011 “The Roswell Chicken Man and His Fight For His Constitutionally Protected Rights
-The original post of Andrew Wordes’ trials and tribulations detailing the timeline dating back to 2009 including the poisoning of his chickens.


4 thoughts on “The Chicken Man

  1. Lady A

    The City of Roswell and the people they employ are a disgrace to all local government in north Fulton. What they did and continue to do is so disgusting and over the top, I’m not sure if my view will ever change. Please do not relent. accountability and transparency are far too important

  2. Pingback: My November 2012 Ballot « The Perspicacious Conservative

  3. Pingback: Who’s In Your Backyard?? « The Perspicacious Conservative

  4. Brockland

    Its November 2015. Lest we forget;

    How about an update? Even recent pictures of the property would do. Maybe another round of name and shame of the perpetrators of this offense to humanity and liberty? Where are they now?

    Did Arn Wall ever pay the money owed to Dora Hardeman, or is he waiting for her to die and the IOU to just go away?

    Does Vicki Barclay still feel good about suiciding Andrew Wordes and has the City of Roswell rewarded her with raises and promotions?

    The world wants to know.


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