Category Archives: Person of the Week!


From Greg’s List….

Travis Roberts is a 38 year old husband, father of three and founder of Hemma Concrete – recognized as one of the 50 largest concrete companies in the country. In April, 2013 he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). Our mission is to get Travis Lee Roberts on ESPN’s College Gameday in Athens, GA on September 28.

Please retweet the following:
#TravOnGameDay RT @joey_pett: @CollegeGameDay @KirkHerbstreit @davidpollack47 @cbfowler

Statistics are cold, faceless numbers which describe and predict wide swaths of human behavior with stunning accuracy. They surround us, they define us, they follow us, they haunt us. For those who can remember back to their high school days, or for those who are currently in high school, you’ve likely been exposed to the cruel teacher who spouted off a myriad of statistics and localized it to your graduating class, or maybe even a smaller sample, like your homeroom. According to USA Today, approximately 30% of students drop out of high school. Your freshman homeroom teacher could have looked around the room and said, “30% of ya’ll won’t be graduating in 4 years…” Now, he wouldn’t win any awards for positive encouragement, but that doesn’t mean he would be wrong. In fact, statistics and actuarial evidence would prove him correct. Perhaps this hypothetical teacher might throw out more fun figures, like “The girls in your graduating class have a 3.4% of becoming pregnant before the age of 20 (teen pregnancy), a circumstance which is another fact, according to the CDC. Ok, now I’ve got your attention. The Teen pregnancy number, a number that resonates with a class of 200 females, where the gals could look around the room and picture 7 of them as teenage mothers, humanizes the statistic. Our intrepid educator could also employ a different tactic, highlighting the abject futility of your dreams by quoting depressing but true stats like, “Your odds of winning an Olympic medal are 662,000 to 1 (so you’re sayin’ there’s a chance!). “Dr. Doom” could conclude his deflating diatribe with other statistics about your chances of winning the lottery, playing professional football or winning a Poker tournament in Vegas.

There ARE some statistical occurrences so rare that a bloviating high school teacher wouldn’t bother introducing to a corps of fresh faced frosh. Statistics like the odds of a 38 yr old male in good health contracting Bile Duct Cancer.

What are the key statistics about bile duct cancer? About 2,000 to 3,000 people in the United States develop bile duct cancer each year. Bile duct cancer is much more common in Asia and the Middle East, mostly because of a common parasitic infection of the bile duct. Bile duct cancer can occur at younger ages, but it is seen mainly in older people. The average age of people diagnosed with cancer of the intrahepatic bile ducts is 70 and it is 73 for cancer of the extrahepatic bile ducts. Almost 2 out of 3 people with bile duct cancer are 65 or older when it is found.
When you extrapolate these figures, you come up with an Infinitesimal number of 990 persons in the USA out of approximately 310 million that are under the age of 65 years old when diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer. This is a .00003% chance, which is likely even lower for someone under the age of 40. The point of this statistical exercise is not to bore you, its to illustrate just how infrequent this horrible disease manifests in someone under the age of 65. The odds of even knowing somebody that knows somebody that contracted BDC are minute (We ARE actively changing this dynamic, read on to find out how you can help). At the end of the day however, these arithmetical values are just numbers. Cold, faceless Statistics that have no prejudice, no remorse, no sympathy, no boundaries. There is hope though. The mere fact that you are reading these words means you now see a face, comprehend a life and know a person that defines these numbers.

The people that have known Travis Lee Roberts for the past 38 years know that
There is a miniscule 990 incidences of BDC per year in the USA for people under the age of 65. Travis ranks INFINITELY higher on the rarity scale. He is one out of 7.114 billion humans here on Earth, a microscopic percentage too small for my HP Laptop calculator to compute.
Those of us who have known Travis the longest remember when he preferred using his middle name, “Lee”.
We know him as a Christian, A husband, a Father, A successful Business Owner, a Georgia Bulldog, a Community Leader and many other positive monikers that would describe one Travis Lee Roberts. BDC is rare in the United States, but Travis Lee Roberts is truly one of a kind and frankly, I don’t like the odds of BDC winning this one. This cancer picked on the wrong guy. I have been amazed by the outpouring of support, prayers and goodwill from people that have never met Travis. Perhaps they heard his story from the Concrete Faith blog, an amazing, tear jerking, uplifting reservoir of information and updates about Travis and Carrie’s battle. Or perhaps they saw it through the power of social media, on Facebook or Twitter, where a growing number of supporters are coalescing to make a dream happen. #TravOnGameday has become the rallying cry for family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers that know only the story, nay, the fight of his life, in which Travis is engaged.

Joe Pettit, Travis’ brother in law, wrote this on the morning of Wednesday, Sept 25.

Joe Pettit (L), Carrie Roberts, Travis Lee Roberts (r) #TravOnGameday

“I have known Travis Lee Roberts for over two decades. He is definitely one of my closest, if not my best friend. He is electric. Nobody is more fun, nobody is funnier, nobody is more interesting and no one else can get away with the things he says and does. People always tell me, “Yeah, I know this guy and he’s just like Travis,” or “We get along cause I’m just like Travis.” Even if I don’t do it physically, I am rolling my eyes every time I hear that sort of claim. I know a lot of people, but I don’t know anyone like Travis, except Travis.
I haven’t met one person who believes Travis can be beaten. He doesn’t lose. That is what makes him different from all the people who are supposedly “just like him.” He is will and perseverance and fire.

The last couple days have been hard. The last couple days have brought bad news and then worse news. His chemotherapy is failing, and the cancer is growing.
MD Anderson in Houston has a brand new clinical trial, and Travis is a shoe-in for the treatment.

Travis said tonight that this is his Doug Flutie moment. Travis didn’t say that this is his Hail Mary, because a Hail Mary is a long shot. Travis said that this is his Doug Flutie moment, because Flutie won.

Winners don’t compare themselves to long shots. “Winners win,” has been his refrain as long as I’ve known him, and I don’t see any reason for that to change now.”

Travis is UGA alum and fan. Joe has started a campaign to get him on ESPN GameDaythis Saturday in Athens, GA for the UGA-LSU game and help tell all of those fighting for something that in the end, you have to win. You can help by following and retweeting Joe’s account. The hashtag #TravOnGameDay is being used.

An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope. Avalanches are typically triggered in a starting zone from a snowpack when the forces on the snow exceed its strength but sometimes only with gradually widening. After initiation, avalanches usually accelerate rapidly and grow in mass and volume as they entrain more snow.
What this means is the phrase “a snowball’s chance in Hell”, really depends on the girth of the aforementioned Snowball.
We’re going for an Avalanche.
We are asking you to join our Avalanche of Support for Travis Lee Roberts.

Please RT to support #TravOnGameDay RT @joey_pett: @CollegeGameDay @KirkHerbstreit @davidpollack47 @cbfowler

Person of the Week: 11/30

This weeks PC POW WOW goes to the gentleman in Seattle who returned the money he stole from Sears Department store 65 years ago. Anonymously, the gentleman walked into Sears and left a note with $100 at the Customer Service desk. In the note, the man explained that he had stolen around $25 in the 40’s but felt so guilty, he wanted to repay with interest. Sears intends to donate the money to needy families this Holiday season.

Obviously this man committed a crime but I think the situation was handled with great dignity. It seems these days that so many things are taken to extremes. I half expected to see that Sears called the cops to try to identify the man from security video in order to press charges. I am happy to see that the gentleman who stole the money has a conscience that drove him to repay the money and the store manager who accepted the repayment without causing any grief- especially since so much time had passed.

Person of the Week: Andrew Wordes, Roswell Chicken Man

This weeks PC POW WOW: Andrew Wordes, The Roswell Chicken Man

Many of you have closely followed the Roswell Chicken Man saga and his fight against the city of Roswell. He was recently released from his stint in jail and it’s time to update his supporters.

Mr. Wordes is the PC POW WOW due to his hopeful and positive attitude despite the hardships he has continuously encountered.

Thanks to an article in the AJC, it was public knowledge that Mr. Wordes’ home was sitting vacant during his absence. Andrew returned to a ransacked home with hundreds of legal papers strewn about, antiques and guns missing and the overall property in dire condition.

If you recall, Roswell stated that they would secure the property while Mr. Wordes was incarcerated. Once again, Roswell…BRAVO!!

Mr. Wordes has no word on the state of his home. He has not received formal foreclosure papers, though he was in jail and anything could have happened to them had they been served. He has not been evicted from the premises either. The home has been advertised as foreclosed and rumors are circulating that the home has been condemned by the City of Roswell. This idea presents a few questions, like, if it were a health concern, wouldn’t condemnation come from the County Department, not the City? And if it’s a structural problem, wouldn’t this again be associated with the excessive flooding situation that the City of Roswell has yet to rectify? (See prior Chicken Man blogs explaining these issues here and here.)

The great news is all of Andrew’s birds are in the care of sweet friends who have been so kind to nurture them in his absence. They are all healthy and thriving. For now, Mr. Wordes will seek employment, continue his fight against the City of Roswell, petition for his STILL outstanding Open-Records Requests to be answered (30 to be exact) and work on reuniting with his birds.

You can show your support by writing and calling Roswell City Officials and contacting Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens:
Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, Ga 30334-(404) 656-3300

Also, visit the Roswell Chicken Man Facebook Page for updates.

PC POW WOW 11/17

This weeks PC POW WOW shout out goes to Luke, the 11 year-old in Minnesota who turned his mom, a probation officer, and stepdad into police for excessive marijuana use.

Apparently the boy was sick and tired of his home being consumed by marijuana smoke. He often complained to his mom that it smelled, but she did nothing about it. Fed up, he photographed the drugs and turned the evidence over to police.

The couple was arrested last month for having eight pounds of marijuana in their bedroom. In a statement, the stepfather claimed he uses it for medicinal purposes, though that is not legal in Minnesota. “I smoke marijuana and I’m not ashamed to say it,” he told KMSP-TV.

Luckily, Luke has a moral father who does not smoke marijuana and can assume care.

So here’s to you, little guy, for knowing better than your parents!

**While searching the topic, I stumbled upon this link

“It’s Just a Plant: A children’s Story of Marijuana”– The things that parents believe are okay.

Person of the Week: David Belle Isle

The Perspicacious Conservative is starting a new feature! A Person Of the Week that did something that deserves a Wow!, thus the PC POW WOW! I can’t think of a better person to begin the feature with than Mayor-Elect David Belle Isle!

David sprung out of the gates in February at his kick-off party and never stopped running. Knocking on doors (I believe he covered ~2,500), speaking to community groups, debates, making phone calls, attending Meet & Greet’s hosted by generous members of the community, and everything else, David never stopped.

Running for public office isn’t easy. It takes dedication, time and sacrifice. David’s family and circle of friends are second to none. Candice is one of the best wives I’ve ever seen. That woman ran the office, the campaign and the household. I know her journey through this campaign was anything but easy but her positive attitude kept us all going when things would hit the fan.

It seemed in the final 96 hours of the race, opponents made last ditch efforts -fueled by panic- to try to destroy David. It didn’t work. David and his campaign kept the faith and powered through and it paid off. The best man for the job was elected!

I’ve never seen someone have such a wonderful following of volunteers. Like I said in ‘Why Belle Isle is the Best Choice’, everywhere David goes, he has support. From the initial kick-off party at the Old Blinde Dog, to the people standing at the polls to call in results to Smoke Jack (and the plethora of events in between) people showed with their shirts, their smiles and their support. As the person who coordinated these people over the course of the campaign, I couldn’t be more grateful.

It has been a true blessing to work for David during his campaign over the last eleven months. It’s been inspiring to take part in a campaign that ALWAYS took the high road and never slung mud. David’s family is a joy to work with and I am thrilled, elated and so-darn-happy that he will soon be the Mayor of Alpharetta, Georgia!! I can’t wait to see his wonderful journey as Mayor begin!