Category Archives: Roswell Chicken Man

What We Allow Will Continue


Here we are again.

My friend, Joseph Pond, lost yet another battle with Cobb County on May 8th. The testimony of a neighbor from across the street (not adjacent to the property) determined the fate of Joseph Pond’s variance request:

The second case was my request. A show of hands from the public was eleven people supported and six people did not. I presented my case; three people presented opposition. One person was the President of a local civic organization that has opposed poultry in Cobb County from the beginning. She stated that several of the HOAs surrounding my neighborhood did not support my Variance. My neighborhood does not have an HOA. The second person to oppose is the President of a neighboring HOA. He stated that he and his association did not support my Variance. The third person was a member of the same HOA. During the discussion, an email was read from my neighbor that lives across the street- she opposed my Variance request. The neighbors on both sides of me supported my Variance and signed a petition stating such. The neighbor behind me, in a different neighborhood, did not support or oppose. The Board denied my request for a Variance.

I’m not sure how many times I have to say it, but this isn’t about chickens. It’s about property rights. It’s about neighbors staying on their side of the fence. It’s about local and county governments knowing their place. It’s about denying elected officials the ability to persecute individuals based on personal vendettas or political incest (look at the relationships between the Commissioners and the Board members). It’s time to put them back in their box.

If you recall the story of Andrew Wordes, few offered to help until it was too late. Few offered to acknowledge the political connections that continued the denial of rights. I’m not saying these stories are the same. They are not. But who’s to say that your neighbors won’t dictate what color you paint your house or what type of play ground you can build for your children or whether or not you can plant that garden you’d been planning? (This is not the time or place to retort about HOA’s because we are far beyond that at this point…the County and your neighbors are regulating and approving your back yard activities.)

I said it before and I’ll say it again. It could be you. It could be any issue.
I’m asking you to acknowledge that these kinds of things happen each and every day. I’m petitioning for you to consider the issue in a different light. I’m imploring that you do something to help.

If Mr. Pond is to continue his battle, he needs a legal counsel, but he needs help. You can donate here. (If the goal is not met, the money will be returned)

Remembering Andrew Wordes: A Memory & A Movement

Last year, at this time, I was at work when someone sent me a Facebook message saying “The Chicken man’s house is on fire!”
I immediately began calling and texting Andrew, obviously with no success. When I saw that his home had exploded, I didn’t need ‘police confirmation’, I already knew his fate.
Even so, it was still unbelievable. I had just spoken to him the day before. It’s a painful memory to reflect on but a necessary one.

If you knew Andrew, you’ll never been the same,
If you knew Andrew, you can probably count the ways your life has changed since his death.
You’re probably a little less trusting and a little more vigilant.
You’re probably a little less complicit and a little more fired up.
You’re probably much more aware of your freedoms and your rights and how those are vulnerable to local politics.
You probably despise the City of Roswell.

Since his death a very long year ago, several things have happened:

A very large group of people have come forward to both me and Maggie Bean regarding their own negative experiences with the City of Roswell. There are many more than you might think. People harassed by police, zoning, and administrators and ultimately run out of their town.

The police chief is gone. Though it’s still as incestuous as ever, Orrick, who literally created chaos in Andrew’s life, is no longer with the Roswell PD. He was forced to resign, though not because of his role in Andrew’s death.

Roswell for Fiscal Responsibility, an watch-dog organization, has come out swinging while demanding transparency….there a few key individuals who consistently demand honest public service including Jake Lilley, Lee Fleck, Cade Thacker, Tom Cork and Martin Howell.

Kay Love is still a villain. She recently organized the “city retreat” at the Ritz Carlton just outside of Atlanta, costing Roswell more cash than any other North Fulton city retreat, and then some. Love took her council members cronies along on her tax dollar vaycay…She has never admitted any wrong doing but, thankfully more people know the truth. Thankfully, many still watch her like a hawk.

While we failed Andrew while he was here with us, we were able to generate significant publicity surrounding Andrew’s turmoil and death. There are a few of us who will never let the issue sink, but I don’t think any of us will ever let it happen again.

Joseph Pond has been working tirelessly with his group Backyard Chicken ALliance in Cobb County and recently won a small, but important, battle against the Commission. They cried fowl, but he stood tall with his grassroots organization. He’s been so successful that other municipalities are popping up with their own Backyard Chicken Alliances.

He was stubborn as hell but Andrew taught everyone he met about kindness and helping, and most importantly freedom.
Andrew taught me about liberty in the grandest way and he brought out the libertarian in me.
He was a friend and he is forever in my heart, whether it be for politics or people or chickens.

Joseph Pond described him perfectly….”In the midst of all of his battles, I called him one day about a sick hen that I had. He insisted that I come over, so he could see it. He took the time to examine the bird, to give medicine for for the bird, and instructions on how I should treat the bird. He could have easily told me that he had more important things to take care of- his health, his finances, his legal battles- but the truth was that the health of that bird was the most important thing to him at that moment… He was also a true patriot who stood tall for freedom. I work hard to let his spirit shine thru my actions. ”

Andrew constantly reminded me how much more powerful two were than one. He’d always say, “Just think if we could get a few more people behind us!I” He’s right. When it comes to freedom and liberty, there is no standing alone. A loss of your neighbors freedom is a loss for you. I ask that you use Andrew’s memory as your fuel to fight for liberty…and your neighbors.


More Inbreeding in Roswell

I think I’m going to be sick. This will be short, but not so sweet.

  • Kay Love, the City Manager for Roswell, is from a small town outside of Columbus.
  • Her cherry-picked now former police chief, Dwayne Orrick, was from the same town. (Coincidence? Puhhleez)
  • Roswell has now hired a new police chief –James Russell “Rusty” Grant– who worked under Orrick, has spent some time working for the GBI and is now an adjunct professor at Georgia Law Enforcement Command College Professional Management Program at…wait for it….COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY.

No math is necessary. It seems as though Roswell will just go from one incestuous relationship to another. How’s that working for you? Care to share the financial state of the City, Ms. Love? I guess we will all just sit around and hope this chief doesn’t order officers at the ends of our streets at the demand of personal grudges of the City Manager like the last one did.

Who’s In Your Backyard??

I’m a girly-girl. I like fashion, conservative politics and my puppies. I’m young by most standards and am still in the phase of my life where I’m “doing me”. I work hard but most days I can’t walk away from a good pair of Vera Wang boots. So you can imagine my own surprise when I became so passionate about chickens…..Yes, chickens.

Of course it all started with a very special friend named Andrew Wordes. And it certainly wasn’t just about chickens. But chickens were the start of it and chickens were the end of it. A select neighbor, and then the City of Roswell, did not want chickens on Andrews property. They said the chicks and hens were a nuisance (but a couple pigs were okay!).  They tried to enforce new ordinances, take him to court and ultimately harassed him to the brink of him taking his own life. Certainly not all cases (at least the ones we hear about) end up this way- and thank God for that. But we see it all over the state and the country. Right here in a Cobb County, a man is a facing is own battle with the county.

Residents in South Carolina, Nebraska and Rhode Island, among many others, are speaking out for the right to do as they please on their own property. A man up north was fined $5,200 for growing cucumbers in his yard and a homeowner in Orlando was given only a few days to dig up his garden because he ‘violated city codes’ on crop growing. And most outrageously, a couple was fined $1,650 for their noisy toddler in a condo complex. All were labeled ‘nuisances’.

Let’s consider a few aspects of what a nuisance is…
1.) Are chickens in your neighbors yard affecting whether you eat, sleep, breathe, work, produce, or live your life?—NO. Only roosters are loud.
2) Are chickens in your neighbors yard a health hazard? — NO. Yes, they do their dootie, but so do dogs. Most chicken owners keep their coops and backyards neat and clean. Rarely does one receive a health code violation.
3) Are chickens coops an eye sore? –NO. And if it’s in the backyard, who gives a darn?
4) Why does it bother you if someone has a garden on their property? It’s better than overgrown weeds and brush or trash and if you’re a good neighbor, you’d likely get some nice produce.
5) Does the sound of a child’s laughter really grind your behind THAT much? In the middle of the day?!?

What it comes down to is a bunch of snooty suburbanites who simply can’t handle the idea of their precious community have any characteristics of farms, whether it be animals, coops or crops. Homeowners associations are a nasty excuse for “acceptable” regulation. Why should you dictate what I do on my property? If I want to garden, I should garden. If I want to raise chickens, I should raise chickens. If I want to have a goat and play with it in the backyard of my suburban house in my Vera Wang boots while my toddler is laughing and jumping around, then I should do so. Without the intervention, permission, regulation, oversight or taxation of any level of government.

I’ll never forgive or forget what the City of Roswell did to Andrew. It was despicable and nothing short of tragic. But I’m asking you to think twice before you get your panties in a wad over what someone else is doing on their property. What happened to love thy neighbor? Why have we become this pathetic dependent on government to solve even the smallest disputes? I thought property rights were one of our very core foundations? Privacy? Freedom? At the end of the day, it may be about chickens for you…but for the person with the chickens, or the garden, or the toddler, it’s about property, protection and personal liberty. The federal government can tax us and control many of our activities, but we are most vulnerable at the local level– where no one is paying attention.

AUDIO: Chicken Man’s Former Mortgage Holder Cared for Andrew, Not Money

(photo credit G.Stewart, Creative Loafing)

As promised, here is the audio recording with Andrew Wordes’ former mortgage holder Dora Hardeman.

After listening, a few questions remain:
1) Dora cared deeply for Andrew and explicitly stated she ‘would have helped Andrew get out of his financial situation’ any way she could. If she didn’t receive pressure from the City, why would she sell the note to the home FOR FORTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR?
2) Who was the ‘other person’ who offered to purchase the mortgage from Dora around the same time?
3) Why are certain parties still claiming there was a venomous relationship between Dora and Andrew when in 6 minutes of taping she stated how much she liked him 5+ times and that if she ‘could pick a side, it’d be Anderew’s’?
4) Does anyone else find it coincidental that the current mortgage holder hasn’t paid Mrs. Dora Hardeman a dime?
5) Why did Mr. Wall offer to buy Andrew’s mortgage from Dora if they didn’t know each other, as Dora claimed?
6)Why is Mrs. Hardeman ‘disgusted’ with the City if the harassment of Andrew is untrue and if she was not pressured from Roswell regarding the note?

Food for thought.


Roswell Corruption Deepens, Mortgage Holder a Sham?

It’s been difficult to think or blog about anything since Andrew’s death. It weighs heavy on my heart but I am reminded of the battle we are facing and the need to stay focused. Having said that, there are some new developments in the Chicken Man v. Roswell case.

I recently visited with Andrew’s original mortgage holder, Dora Hardeman.
In our conversation, Dora stated that Andrew called her a few weeks before his death and asked if she had really sold the note to the home, as he had never met or had contact with the ‘new mortgage holder’. Dora responded that the note had been sold to man name Arnold Wall.
When I asked how she knew Arnold, she said she knew him through his wife who was a Real Estate Agent. I then asked her how the discussion of Andrew’s home and the sale of it came about. She said that Mr. Wall offered to buy the home from her but that she did not know him that well. I then asked her if she is paid from Mr. Wall regularly or in lump sum for Andrew’s home and she acknowledged that she had not received ANY money from Mr. Wall for the purchase of 335 Alpine Lane. At one point, Mrs. Hardeman questioned “if Arnold is trying to get out of paying the note” and if anyone unscrupulous was behind the purchase of the mortgage.

The formal recording will be released next week with the full interview.

Another development is that of which directly involves City Administrator Kay Love. Back in 2010, Andrew pushed the City of Roswell for a formal investigation into whether or not someone from the City illegally contacted his mortgage holder. In an email dated December 1, from Andrew Wordes to Kay Love, Andrew inquired as to who would be conducting the investigation. On December 2nd, Ms. Love responded with a response claiming that she was in charge. (You can read a digital version of the email thread Love.Wordes.) Ultimately, no “wrongdoing” was discovered.

It is difficult to grasp the concept that a City Administrator would be responsible for conducting an investigation of into the misdoings of the city they “administrate”.
Being the perspicacious person that I am, I put a call into the City of Alpharetta and Assistant City Administrator James Drinkard called me back almost immediately. When questioned about their investigative protocols, he stated “If there is the potential for laws to be broken or is criminal in nature, it is outsourced. And an outside agency is asked to come in.” That seems like a very thorough. He even went as far to say that when there is a question the handling of the situation, it is best to remove any question as soon as possible by outsourcing so as to not appear inappropriate. Specifically, he said “The City of Alpharetta is an open book”. Fair enough..
I also spoke with a clerk from the City of Milton. They said that while they do call for internal investigations within the police department, something on a larger scale would be outsourced to the GBI.

Without stating my own feelings about the circumstances and outcomes thus far, I urge you to evaluate the legitimacy and impartiality of Roswell’s actions so far. Ready. Set. Think.

Further details can be read at by Maggie Bean.

**As you know, The Perspicacious Conservative has been working studiously with in an in-depth investigation into the many corruptions of Roswell. There is a plethora of information at this time but both TPC and are dedicated to only releasing information with concrete proof. Information may seem slow to leak at times but I assure you: with time, it will come.

“It Aint Gonna Be Pretty!”

The last week has been quite confusing with a plethora of emotions: anger, sadness, understanding, not-so-much understanding. Several nights of laying awake thinking about Andrew, his final moments and days, his unwavering strength and stubbornness has left me reeling. I’ve read every article published from the Patch & Examiner to the Whiskey & Gunpowder site and it’s been interesting to read all of the different perspectives of the events of the last few years.

Yesterday,  Neighbor Newspapers published a scathing article about Andrew titled ‘Sheriff: Wordes incident could have been avoided”.

The most disgusting quote of the article was “We told him, you’re going to have a problem with Mr. Wordes,” Orrick said. “Mr. Wordes was seeking a physical confrontation with police. I said I was respectful of their job and didn’t question their authority, but it was likely to develop into him defending his home against the government and there was a less aggressive approach to doing it.

Chief Orrick, are you serious?? Andrew NEVER wanted a confrontation with the police. He wanted to be left alone, which you and your department never did. Yet, they offered to put surveillance around his home and “wait for Mr. Wordes to leave” as cited in the Neighbor article. Interesting. I have an email correspondence between a concerned citizen and Chief Orrick as well, which details the mistruths that Orrick is spreading about Andrew.

It was also an interesting tactic for Chief Orrick to claim that the Roswell police were not involved in the eviction process, nor did they back up the Fulton County Marshals. This is not true. Roswell cops were on ALL of the surrounding streets that day.

Andrew is dead. He is not here to defend himself. We have to do it for him- otherwise, City officials will tarnish what Andrew was working for. This story is bleeding with lies and half-truths. When I said it wasn’t over, it was because IT. ISN’T. OVER. We are working for Andrew, fighting for Andrew. Everything is about to come out, and as Andrew said, ‘It ain’t gonna be pretty!

***Please subscribe to the blog, or make sure to check the page often, for updates as on Andrew’s case with the City of Roswell unravel.

It’s Not Over.

I am deeply saddened by the news of my dear friend, Andrew Wordes- The Roswell Chicken Man. This morning as marshalls summoned him to leave his home at the final stage of his eviction process, Andrew cautioned everyone to leave the property. As soon as they did, his home exploded resulting in a fire and soon after, the medical examiner was called into the home.

We all lost a little something today. Andrew was a man of faith, with a strong love for God. He was a staunch Constitutionalist with a passion for our freedoms and liberties. He taught me a lot in the short time I knew him. We talked often and he openly shared his story and his dedication to what America used to stand for. He was a fighter and I admired his immense devotion to his sweet birds, pigs and dogs. He cared about everyone around him and was always kind and generous. I am saddened that evil trampled him to the end of his rope.

Andrew fought the good fight,not just for himself but for others because he knew it could happen to anyone. And it is. Eminent domain is being abused all over our country, just look it up. Communities are plagued with repeated abuses of the use of eminent domain. It’s tragic and your neighborhood could be next. Andrew fought to his last breath, for himself, for me, for you. In his mind, he went on his terms. Right out of Atlas Shrugged. Andrew is at peace now but it’s not over.

I will fight-fight-fight to make sure the legislators responsible for this do not forget what they have done. People are not stupid. Check out WSB-tv and CBS Atlanta article comments. People are outraged. THEY KNOW that those that represent us don’t protect us. So just know, you will not get reelected next time. Becky Wynn, John Albers, Rich Dippolito, Kay Love and all the others that had the opportunity to speak up and help this man but chose to be cowards and walk away. John Albers received constituent emails asking him to step up and help. He said it was out of his hands and there was nothing he could have done. That was five months ago, Senator. Andrew kept fighting. Why didn’t you? Did you forget that Andrew Wordes volunteered on your campaign in 2009-2010 but you still ignored phone calls and pleas for help? Senator Albers, you FAILED each and every one of your constituents. You claim to be a supporter of the Constitution and true conservative. Where the hell were you? Andrew allegedly called you day in, and day out, begging for a contact or ideas. How will you sleep at night Becky and Rich and Kay? You pushed Mr. Wordes to this point. You marched around Roswell bashing Andrew, annihilating his character, marking him as crazy and filing lawsuits whenever you could, bankrupting him and denying him rights given to property owners in the United States. You are nothing but evil and true detriments to society. People know the truth. When we see you sympathetically on the news, we won’t let your makeup and hair flips fool us. You care about one thing: reelection. But you will not get it. Senator Albers will have primary opposition this July…vote him out. Fight tooth and nail with his opposition to show what a true conservative and American is. Wynn & Dippolito unfortunately just won reelction in November but you can still show your disdain and dissatisfaction for the entire city. As for me, I will not dine, live, shop, walk, or smile in Roswell until justice is served for Andrew. If we don’t, Roswell will never be the same.

As I drove to class tonight, I was behind an old beat up suburban with two chicken cages strapped to the back. The chickens stared at me all the way up the interstate. I could only smile because Andrew is still here. He has instilled a fight and a passion within so many of us and we will continue to fight for what’s right. For Andrew. Rest In Peace, Sir.

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ~Kenji Miyazawa

The Final Fight

Today my heart is heavy for the Roswell Chicken Man, Andrew Wordes. His eviction date, after many pushbacks and set backs, is set for today, Tuesday February 21.

After many injunctions and attempts of injunctions, Andrew was refused a continuance when his attorney was not in attendance, despite the fact that the mortgage holder had appeared in court a total of ZERO times. The judge stated that this was the end of the line.

This, however, has not discouraged Mr. Wordes who has continued to reach out to friends, politicians and news outlets. Yesterday, Maggie Bean, a journalist for the Examiner, wrote a fabulous article on the trials and tribulations of Mr. Wordes fight and CBS also covered the story last night. Still, the fight goes on.

Local politicians have chosen not to get involved in fear of backlash. The Senator for the district has ceased his activism in the case. Roswell City Officials are responsible for this mess and the abhorrent public servants that could help don’t want to speak out ‘unless someone else does’. (read: useless) People are scared and won’t help Andrew…but YOU or I could be the next Roswell Chicken Man. Easily. Like I’ve said time and time again, we’re all one perceived violation away from where Andrew is. (And with the increased regulation of today, the idea is not so far-fetched.)

What Andrew needs now is public attention from a national media outlet. There is some fearless attorney out there that will take the bull (the City of Roswell) by the horns and legally annihilate them for what they have done. If you were in Andrew’s position, would you want to fight the good fight alone? The City of Roswell isn’t going to stop until Alpine Lane is green space and time is running out.

For Chicken Man history, read the following Perspicacious Conservative articles from August 6thAugust 14th  and November 23rd. You can also follow the cause on Facebook.

Person of the Week: Andrew Wordes, Roswell Chicken Man

This weeks PC POW WOW: Andrew Wordes, The Roswell Chicken Man

Many of you have closely followed the Roswell Chicken Man saga and his fight against the city of Roswell. He was recently released from his stint in jail and it’s time to update his supporters.

Mr. Wordes is the PC POW WOW due to his hopeful and positive attitude despite the hardships he has continuously encountered.

Thanks to an article in the AJC, it was public knowledge that Mr. Wordes’ home was sitting vacant during his absence. Andrew returned to a ransacked home with hundreds of legal papers strewn about, antiques and guns missing and the overall property in dire condition.

If you recall, Roswell stated that they would secure the property while Mr. Wordes was incarcerated. Once again, Roswell…BRAVO!!

Mr. Wordes has no word on the state of his home. He has not received formal foreclosure papers, though he was in jail and anything could have happened to them had they been served. He has not been evicted from the premises either. The home has been advertised as foreclosed and rumors are circulating that the home has been condemned by the City of Roswell. This idea presents a few questions, like, if it were a health concern, wouldn’t condemnation come from the County Department, not the City? And if it’s a structural problem, wouldn’t this again be associated with the excessive flooding situation that the City of Roswell has yet to rectify? (See prior Chicken Man blogs explaining these issues here and here.)

The great news is all of Andrew’s birds are in the care of sweet friends who have been so kind to nurture them in his absence. They are all healthy and thriving. For now, Mr. Wordes will seek employment, continue his fight against the City of Roswell, petition for his STILL outstanding Open-Records Requests to be answered (30 to be exact) and work on reuniting with his birds.

You can show your support by writing and calling Roswell City Officials and contacting Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens:
Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, Ga 30334-(404) 656-3300

Also, visit the Roswell Chicken Man Facebook Page for updates.