Category Archives: Presidential Elections

Presidential Primary: A Single-Issue Race?

Ben Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Over the last 14 years, we’ve seen how much liberty Americans are willing to give up for the purposes of safety. Between the TSA and the NSA, very little goes unseen or untouched.

Recently, many of our Republican presidential candidates and expected-to-be presidential candidates have taken the media bait (to our advantage) to answer questions on the increasingly controversial issues like the PATRIOT Act renewal and the NSA program.

With the PATRIOT Act renewal at the forefront and on the heels of the Rand filibuster, here’s what we’ve seen so far:

  • Scott Walker said if he were in the Senate, he would not have supported Rand Paul’s protest against the reauthorization of the Patriot Act and the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs.
  • Jeb Bush said, with regard to Rand’s filibuster, “I think he’s wrong in saying that this is unconstitutional or saying that people’s freedoms have been violated by the Patriot Act.”
  • Marco Rubio has publicly pushed for the extension of the program while telling folks the government isn’t listening unless you’re a terrorist (how do they know if you are or not?) and there “is not a single documented case of abuse of this program.”
  • Mike Huckabee recently slammed Obama, saying, “Obama’s warrantless, NSA spying program is more than just illegal, it’s an unconstitutional, criminal assault on our freedoms as Americans.  As president, I will repeal this program and protect the privacy and civil liberties of all Americans.”
  • Ted Cruz, while supportive of the PATRIOT Act, opposes the NSA. He thinks we should “walk and chew gum at the same time.”
  • Chris Christie semi-supports the program but says, “you can’t enjoy your civil liberties if you’re in a coffin.” Umm…what?
  • Ben Carson thinks there’s a way to accomplish the ends of the NSA without the NSA.

So can Constitutional conservatives be distinguished by just one question?

I say maybe. If, after years of criticism and zero deterred terrorists attacks because of the NSA program, a Republican is still willing to circumvent the Constitution under the guise of “security,” that tells me a lot about their respect for the Constitution in other capacities. For me, I understand the importance of political compromise, but the U.S. Constitution is one place that I’m not looking for someone to offer ‘exceptions.’ Ever.

I’m certainly not saying that privacy and the NSA are the only threats to our country. While I personally believe civil liberties continue to be second only to the national debt and the stability of our economy, I recognize that not everyone prioritizes privacy the same way I do. My point, however, is not only is it one of the top issues we are facing, but rather a gauge of future behavior.

For what it’s worth, Hillary Clinton, who seems to support the program, believes it should be more transparent. I think that speaks volumes about where we should be on the program. The good news for Republicans is there is more than one contender who opposes the NSA.

Presidential Field Too Green?

Remember in 2008, when Barack Obama starting making headway and everyone shouted from the rooftops that he was too young, too inexperienced, too green? I’m not sure if that was the argument because people actually believed it or if they had grown too concerned with appearing ‘racist’ in an election cycle that was a constant racial attack from the Left. Either way, it left me cringing when some of our GOP counterparts rose through the ranks over the last few years and we went far beyond overlooking it.

In fact, I am currently wondering why we are not relieving that right now. Consider the announced GOP field as of today:

  • Marco Rubio
  • Ted Cruz
  • Rand Paul

The were all elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, meaning, they are just wrapping up their first term. Neither Paul nor Cruz had served in public office before, something I personally believe should happen before being elected as a U.S. Senator (or President) and my belief is that we simply ‘lucked out’ with them. But I digress.

If you consider their political resumes, Barack Obama’s is technically more diverse.

Presidential Seal

Carly Fiorna and Dr. Ben Carson also have legitimate supporters and encouragement to run. Neither of them have served a day in public office before. There are people that love that about them.

Then, there are gubernatorial candidates who have only served a little over 4 years in office. And serving as a Governor presents different experiences. Walker, Jeb Bush, Christie, Jindal and all the others bring very different backgrounds to the table.

So how much experience is enough experience? The arguments of executive branch picks versus otherwise are abundant. The number of years they have served…too much versus not enough. The reasons are endless.

In our own state, we saw last fall that ‘absolutely none’ was a level of experience many Republicans wanted to see in their elected officials with the election of Senator David Perdue and Congressmen Jody Hice (GA-10) and Rick Allen (GA-12). Whether that works for us still remains to be seen, but we won’t know unless we test it.

Regardless of what you believe about these Presidential candidates (or soon-to-be candidates) ability to win, their supporters, their fundraising tactics, and their match-up against Hillary, you still have to admit it: They’re all green in some capacity. None of them have ever served as President of the United States before.

Our country continues to evolve. The challenges we face will continue to evolve as well, and with that, so will the electorate as we decide who can best arrange the deck chairs on this already sinking ship.

My question is this: Is there a trend toward newbies or are we just hypocrites? Is it now politically expedient to support these greenies or were we wrong before? I’m okay with either, but we should probably be prepared to message that when things heat up.

Blue State of Affairs

America has failed.

I’m not talking about why I think the Republican party is broken and I’m not talking about why I don’t think Mitt Romney was the BEST candidate. I’m also not talking about why I can’t stand a lot of liberals. It is all irrelevant at this point. (Well, actually, it’s not. But for the sake of this post it is.) I’m talking about the fact that we are so far from our roots that we are truly almost unrecognizable.

I took some heat on my Facebook page (surprise!) the other night because I said, “My heart is aching for my country. I don’t understand how people can be so stupid. My respect for anyone who identifies as a liberal dwindles daily- regardless of the outcome.” But 24 hours and several arguments later, I still stand by my words.

The truth of the matter is…Liberals & Moderates: I’m judging your actions and your thought process. Please…do show me in the Constitution where you are awarded birth control, health care, phones, housing arrangements, abortions, higher education, cars, anything!….where it says we should have legislation like the PATRIOT Act, the NDAA, No Child Left Behind and ObamaCare. SHOW ME. I’ve read it several times. I still can’t find that in there.

Conservatives lost the election to social issues. Liberals encouraged women to vote with their lady parts and for “revenge” while Republicans allowed the election to focus on Big Bird, Binders and Bill Clinton recommendations. The fact that voters were driven by body parts and social ideas is perplexing. I’m not okay with it. I don’t know why our elections aren’t more focused on the Constitution. Even taxes were twisted into class warfare talk and demographics when, in reality, a tax is a tax is a tax regardless of who is paying it. Do you think we had the Revolutionary War, Constitutional Conventions and people dying for our country so you could have free things at the expense of others? Absolutely not. Our Constitution sets us aside from other countries because we have the freedom to excel as far and as high as we so please. We have the freedom to speak, pray, associate, carry a gun, and most importantly, to question our government. We have protections from the Federal government through our states. Why is no one talking about this? I’m sure our Founders fought for this country 1) based on their strong faith in God and 2) their strong belief in personal responsibility.

Someone from class told me I was an “outlier” because I am a staunch Constitutionalist and respect what our forefathers laid out for us. This person told me that I am “so far from everyone else that I shouldn’t be on the political spectrum” and that I am a “1 on a scale to 10”. Really, sir? I beg to differ. I believe in everything that we started with…all the way back in 1776. I liked what America stood for. So wouldn’t that make YOU the outlier? All you 4-10 people. The people who have “progressed” so far from our foundations? [I’ll say that 2’s and 3’s are okay because , in my metaphor, they are likely the number which extended the right to vote to all races and women.]

But I am bewildered by the idea of attaining anything for “free”. You know things don’t just jump into existence…You know SOMEONE has to pay for those free things, right? In a lot of places, when something is taken from one and given to another, it is called theft. Why do you think it’s okay for you to have some of mine just because you have less? I don’t steal you’re free time because I have less while working so hard to support you. The only thing the Constitution guarantees ALL of us is freedom (different variations of course, but certainly no entitlements.)

We are so lost. My generation has become such a group of leeches who think everything should be handed to them. They don’t even know the first 10 amendments. How un-American and unacceptable.

I cried for my country last night. I cried because if we are this unrecognizable now…where will we be in 2016? Will we remember what freedom feels like?

My November 2012 Ballot

I know many of you have already voted, so for some this may not apply, but here are my voting suggestions for Tuesday. Everyone is very focused on the Presidential race–as they should be– but it’s important to research your local and state candidates as well. Feel free to comment or e-mail with any other questions. I skipped candidates who had no opposition.

-I am voting to keep Chuck Eaton (R). Chuck Eaton is the only candidate who reached out to me during the primary and the general election. Personal interactions matters, folks.

-I am voting for David Staples. He is the Libertarian candidate and I support him not only because of beliefs but also because Stan Wise had complete disregard for informing voters during both the primary and the general election by refusing to show up for debates or participate in forums. I’d like to see him voted out.

While I no longer live in the 5th district, I am so happy to see a Republican with more conservative leanings running against (too)-long-time-incumbent John Lewis. For that reason, I would suggest voting for Howard Stopeck. {I would like to thank John Lewis for for voting “No” to the NDAA in 2011, though. It’s one of the few things I can say he has done correctly in representing the American people}.

I grew up in the 6th district and have many family and friends who still reside there. I would select Tom Price, even though he voted in favor of the NDAA. Unless you are a proponent of the ‘write-in’ option, your other choice is a Democrat by the name of Jeff Kazanow. I know nothing about him so I can’t recommend him. I can still muster support of Tom Price because of his adamant fight against Obamacare and push for repeal. (And, I like his wife, Betty, who was a supporter of Andrew Wordes)

I was recently added to the 11th district so my choice is Phil Gingrey. I did not support him in the primary, however, it’s important to vote red.

I am voting for Hunter Hill. I could not, would not, should not support Doug Stoner under any circumstance most importantly because of his support of the TSPLOST. I would like to congratulate both candidates on sending the largest number of mail outs in one election cycle. I often times received more than one from the same candidate on the same day. (For future reference, I think that diminishes effectiveness.) But Go Hunter!

If you’re reading this blog, you know what I think. Next.

I am voting for Edward Lindsey. He is my current State Rep and while I disagree with him on the Charter School amendment, he has done a great job representing the people of Buckhead and Sandy Springs. I also had the opportunity to work with him during the 2012 Legislative Session and I can say he is truly a good person.

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under no circumstance, in no context, for any reason, do I support the expansion of government. The Charter School Amendment isn’t about the kids. It’s about government and oversight. If this amendment passes, a state board will be allowed to override the decision of a local school district to deny a Charter. In that situation, a local school board will have to deal with the ramifications of a new school that they once denied. What kind of environment do you think THAT will make for the kids? You can read more about why you should oppose the Charter School amendment here and here.

Yes. I like outsourcing and privatizing things when using tax funds.

NO!!!!! If you live in Roswell, you need to open your darn eyes and look at what’s happening to your city. Your government is corrupt beyond measure. Please please please vote no on this bond referendum. The City has already allotted for it in their 2013 FY budget because they are going bankrupt. This is NOT the solution. There are several different pages you can read about the bond and other corrupt activities linked to this bond. Vote NO and the move to Alpharetta.

There is a lot I’d like to say about Cobb, but I will refrain. If you live there, Phil Daniell is running in the 41st House District and needs your support, as does long-time great representative Sam Teasley in the 38th.

There are a couple things I’d like to note. I helped my boyfriend with his Absentee ballot from Florida. I was FLOORED by the steps the state took to protect citizens from Federal initiatives AND how much was put to citizen vote. I’d really like to see more of that in Georgia. (We do a pretty good job– we did defeat the TSPLOST)

But like I always say…Do your duty, shake your booty and get out and vote!

“What are you teaching the children?!”

Alright. So over the weekend, the Obama campaign released an ad titled “The Future Children Project” where children (surprise!) sing the story of what will happen should Romney be elected…it basically details a dark and dreary life of oil-filled seas, vicious homophobia, a lack of educational spending and a place where the uninsured die.

Some of the lyrics are bit difficult to understand so they are below, however, I’d like to note that this is one of the sickest ads that I have seen in a long time. First and foremost, I find it disturbing that people actually believe Barack Obama, or any human, is the all-encompassing solution to these issues (of course, liberals will just say “4 years wasn’t enough time!– boo hoo hoo). But I’m also disturbed by the unity and the obvious indoctrination of children in an attempt to tug at the heart strings of undecided voters. Can you think of other instances of young indoctrination? Maybe a dictatorship, as in, the Nazi regime? Or maybe the photos we see from North Korea? I also can’t grasp how any ‘forward-thinking’ parent would justify this against their own values. I thought liberals were about ‘free-thinking’? For once, I’m at a loss for words…

Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea

We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you

We haven’t killed all the polar bears
But it’s not for lack of trying
The Earth is cracked
Big Bird is sacked
And the atmosphere is frying

Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you

Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair

It’s a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you

You did your best
You failed the test

Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!

Vice-Interrupter: Biden Bloopers & Blunders

In between giggling and snickering, Vice President Biden managed to get a few memorable one-liners in:

“That’s a bunch of malarkey!”

“I don’t understand what my friend is saying!”

“We did not know they wanted more security”


“It’s not my position to reveal classified information but we are confident we could deal a serious blow to the Iranians” (no pun intended?)

“This is a bunch of stuff!!”


“Let’s take a look at the facts. Lets’ look where we were in office. …$1.6 trillion in wealth lost. WE knew we had to rescue the middle class, we rescued GM, we moved in and helped people refinance their homes”

“I’ve had it up to HERE with this notion that 47%…its about time they took some responsibility”

“Just get out of the way!”

”Any letter you send me, I’ll entertain”

“We saved $716 billion dollars”

“Who do you believe?!”

“That’s not what they said!!”


“Use your common sense. Who do you trust?!”

“We want to extend the tax cut for…permanently!”

“They’re holding hostage the middle class tax cut”

“Just let taxes expire!”

“97% of small businesses make less than $250,000/year”
NEXT Sentence
“96% of small businesses make less than $250,000/year”

“We don’t cut it.” (The American people agree.)

“Let me tell you what my friend said…”

“I’ve been through the whole country- mostly in a helicopter”

“We are leaving!”

“You are in a country that is heavily populated” (Are there countries that are not?)

“None has to pay for contraception”

“Keep an eye on the Supreme Court”

“I hope I’ll get equal time”

“My whole life has been dedicated to leveling the playing field”

“We inherited a God-awful circumstance. People are in trouble.”

“Honey, it’s gonna be okay!”

If something happens to Obama, this is what you’re left with.

Should You Ditch a Friend Over Politics?

You can listen to the mom’s of the world who say “If a friendship can be undone, it was never really a friendship.”
You can listen to the hippies of the world who say “Can’t we all just get along?”

But is politics reason enough to drop a friend?

The current situation is very sick and twisted. Long passed are the days of keeping mum on politics and religion. Our country is so divided, so separated, so broken.
I’ve lost a few Facebook friends because of politics (Heaven forbid!) and I’ve seen family members take “time-outs” over disagreements over politics. But I recently lost a really close friend because of political beliefs and it made me question where politics falls in our daily lives.

When you think about it, our political views are based on core beliefs, religion, morals, and ethics (or the lack of all of the above for some). Are these things we can sacrifice for friendship? Or are we sacrificing friendships for politics?

A study was released in March by the Pew Internet & American Life Project that 18% of people have defriended or blocked someone on Facebook because of political postings. Another 28% said they counter with rebuttal or competing post.

As a blogger, I’m certainly not one to stand down from my views or keep my mouth shut on an issue. But throughout my life, I’ve surrounded myself with people who live life like me…my friends have a faith of some type, work hard for their earnings and are good people. Can I spend time with someone who doesn’t believe in working hard for things that they want? Do I want to go shopping with someone who is still living off Mommy & Daddy at 25? Can I discuss relationship issues with someone who thinks my tax dollars should pay for their abortion or birth control? The answer is no.

Let’s not get it twisted. I won’t break off a friendship because someone supports a different primary candidate than me or thinks we should give foreign aid to Israel but not Peru. It’s more about the rhetoric and tone BECAUSE of the great divide. Republicans are called bigots, racists, women-haters while Democrats are labeled system-milking, abortion-getting liberal swine sluts. Whether the names are true or not, the dialogue is no longer respectful-from either side. Our discussion of politics has become immensely PERSONAL. I can hardly stand the sight of someone who supports ObamaCare because of 1) how its going to affect me and 2) because of their lack of understanding of actual issues. So when it comes to a morale-based talking point, where do you draw the line?

You can certainly choose not to discuss politics with your friends, but I would argue that there is a growing trend of politics bleeding into every day life. Political views are now like a fashion accessory. And with the ever-evolving policy changes we are seeing, it may become more and more difficult not to resent someone who supports a policy that will negatively affect your personal and financial freedom.

Furious typing + sweat +boiled blood= raw notes

This is me, in front of the television tonight.

Because I am tired, speechless from stupidity and unable to translate this evenings debate into words, I have decided to publish my notes from the debate ‘in the raw’. We’ll see how this turns out. I have edited down from the 4 original pages to some highlights from our dear leader.

Notes in ‘regular font’ are things the candidate said (indicated by their name)
Notes in ‘bold’ are my own thoughts
Whenever you see lines resembling “jfkdlhflksdhfjksdhf”, you can insert your own expletive.

Gosh I hate how Obama walks. He is so pompous.
O: Michelle, next year we won’t be celebrating our anniversary in front of 40 million people…exactly. Cause you’ll be back in Chicago.
O: The auto industry has come roaring back (lie), the housing market is has begun to rise (lie)
I wish he would keep his hands down. It’s so distracting

R: Romney: 5 basic parts to encourage growth: energy independent, open up more trade, make sure people have skills need to succeed, balance the budget, champion small business . Small businesses are at a 30-year low.(WHY AREN’T YOU MENTIONING OBAMACARE!!!!!)

Obama: Trickledown- Improve education. Made enormous progression drawing ideas. Race to the Top (YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT!) Hire 100,000 teachers? (WHOS GONNA PAY FOR THAT?) How do we deal with our tax code? How do we have enough revenue to pay for that? How can you call it addition to the deficit when the money is never pulled or supposed to be pulled from the people? Cuts aren’t spending! They are opposites!

Obama: I cut taxes for middle class families by $3,600. We do best when the middle class is doing well
(Uhh What did Joe Biden just say yesterday? Middle class has been Barry’ed?)
They can now buy a computer for their kid going to college, helps business. (LOL!)


9:28 pm– first mention of Blame it on Bush.


Obama: go back to bill Clinton tax era. Encourage job growth and make investments in education and energy (HOW?) 97% of small business would not see increase. Millionaires and billionaires are not small business (DEFINITION OF SMALL BUSINESS…make sure to look it up …………………)

For the record, folks, the definition of a small business is “A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales”

Obama: Cut those things that aren’t efficient…77 gov programs. aircrafts that the air force order, 18 education programs that weren’t helping kids learn, Medicaid/medicare fraud, cut $1 trillion out of discretionary budget,
$4 trillion deficit proposal: Its on the website…$2.50 for every cut, we ask for an additional $1 (WTF? I don’t know what you are saying. And I thought many of your constituents were at a disadvantage by not having internet. Now you tell us to visit your website so we can “see what’s in it”?)
Quit smirking.

Obama: Governor has ruled out revenue to address the deficit. (DUH! That’s what he just said you ding dong!)

Obama: Social Security is structurally sound. (Sir, get a grip.) The mere concept is ludicrous.
Obama: 4 years when I ran for office, I had same conversations. Small business couldn’t get affordable costs. Biggest driver of federal deficit…THEN WHY THE DSHDKASHDKASHDKSAH WOULD U MAKE IT A GOVERNMENT THING? People cannot get coverage. Insurance companies impose limits. (Aren’t there limits in car insurance too? You have to protect private companies at some point)


Obama: This was a Republican idea. When he talks about this unelected board, group of healthcare experts to figure out how we can reduce the cost of care in the system overall. 2 ways to deal 1)leave a whole bunch of people uninsured. 2)how do we make the cost of care more effective. When completely implemented. Healthcare premiums have gone up but slower than 50 years. That’s like already getting a rebate (No words, just sweat and headaches)

Obama Race to the Top: we will give you more money if you initiate reforms. Lets’ hire 100,00 math and science teachers. Hard pressed states can’t do that. 100,000s of teachers laid off over the last few years. Government can’t do it all. We will have a better trained workforce. (Please tell me…if you couldn’t afford to pay them then, and they’re still broke, how can you pay them now? We’re looking for money in all the wrong places. Where’s waldo? Lets put wood on a burning fire when we should be looking for water to solve the problem and then find new, better materials to make for a sturdier system).

obama: significant program. Race to the top…budget reflect choices. Making college affordable…we were sending $60 billion as middle men. So they cut the middle man. Keep low interest rates. (these things are not related! you are off your rocker. Student debt is at an all time high…over $1 trillion!!!! why are you encouraging this!!!!!!)


I’ve had enough. Exhaustion sets in. And it’s over. But never too exhausted to argue with people on Facebook about their own commentary throughout the debate. Thank you and good night.

Tyranny at the Cobb GOP

Saturday I attended the Cobb GOP Breakfast. It was my first one since primary season, seeing as though I was still weeping and eating birthday cake for the August one. These breakfasts generally have the same schedule every month: some time to mingle, formalized prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, introduction of present elected officials and then on to the main speaker. This time, all was status quo until the elected officials were introduced and you heard several loud, overarching boos. They continued during each briefing by elected officials. When I turned around to see the boo-ers standing in a small group wearing Ron Paul shirts, I was overcome with disappointment.

I proudly supported Ron Paul during the Primary as well. I am a staunch Constitutionalist, I believe in the smallest form of government and vehemently disagree with many of the policies that have been implemented over the last few years- the NDAA, Obamacare, and ARRA to name a few. I sometimes feel misrepresented by parties and my elected officials and more often than not, feel many freedoms are slowly slipping away. But I’ve also accepted that Ron Paul is not the Republican nominee and if I would like to participate in Republican activities, whether it be on a personal level or a professional level, I need to be respectful of their causes, initiatives and goals.

During the booing, you could just see the Republicans in the room seething and becoming more and more irritated with every shout, cackle and disruption. It was truly disrespectful. I was sitting close enough to the gentlemen to overhear Congressman Phil Gingrey stop them on his way out. He said he appreciated their attendance and to please call his office if they would like to set up a meeting to discuss some of their concerns. The gentlemen shook his hand and then snickered and made even more nasty comments as the Congressman walked away. After the meeting as everything was breaking up, I walked up to the group of gentlemen and asked them why they attended the events if they hated Republicans so much. It immediately escalated to one gentleman yelling at me about my beliefs and shouting about my ignorance which drew a “You don’t KNOW me” from me. After explaining my disconcert with his delivery and my thoughts on party rejection of his message because of his delivery, the man admitted that he could be a bit brazen, brash and ‘in your face’ but that if he ‘changed’ one person, he won. I stated again that he is on Republican breeding ground and suggested a few different ways to garner different reactions. I extended my hand for a handshake at the end of our heated discussion and asked them to please consider my points.

But here is the thing: The venue is all wrong. You have to know your audience, man. We were at a REPUBLICAN breakfast to rally for REPUBLICAN ideals and to initiate a REPUBLICAN grassroots effort. I don’t attend Democrat events in an attempt to alter their opinions on gun control (or the lack of need for it), abortion, affirmative action or any other issue. It wouldn’t make any sense. It’s like yelling at a brick wall. My mom always told me you get further with honey than with vinegar and I certainly never received any recognition for throwing a temper tantrum. If you’d like pancakes for dinner, instead of saying “I WANT THE ******* pancakes you *** ** * *****!!!!” maybe try “I’d like to have pancakes for dinner some time this week. Is that something we can discuss?” Compromise. Act like adults.

Republicans shout that a write-in or 3rd party vote is a vote for Obama. Ron Paul extremists shout that Romney=Obama. But the cold hard reality is that both groups need each other if they want to make any progress.

Do I believe that the Republican Party, on a local and state level, should make a more concerted effort to address the issues and concerns of Ron Paul supporters? Yes, I do. Do I believe that many Ron Paul supporters have been acting like children and therefore discrediting the rest of us? Yes, I do.

So let’s recap.
I support their message.
I believe in dissent.
I don’t like boo-ers.
I don’t support their method of delivery.
I don’t condone disrespect or temper tantrums.
I want real change.
I want Obama out of office.

The options are a) incremental change with the Republican party or b) full-on revolution.

Which is going to stabilize things for our country that we so desperately need?

The Real Housewives of the White House


I never really feel bad for victims of political mudslinging because running for any political office is not only a family decision but a privilege. So in the recent months of primary candidates spouses at the forefront of so many new articles, I have to ask: What is the role of the spouse of a political candidate?

We’ve all heard the recent annihilations of Karen Santorum with her anti-torte reform chiropractic lawsuit and her abortion-performing lover of her twenties. We’ve seen Callista Gingrich painted as ‘The Other Woman‘: classless and unfit for the White House and everyone anxiously awaited Gloria Cain’s response after reports of harassment and infidelity broke. And no one can deny the role that Marcus Bachmann’s pyschological clinic played in the demise of Michelle’s campaign.

So how much is too much? How heavily should we weigh the decisions, actions and lifestyles of spouses? I think it’s a really tricky question that I may not necessarily know how to answer. I don’t like Michelle Obama for a number of reasons but how big of a role should that play into my perspective of Baracks candidacy? Should we strike Rick Santorum as a potential Republican candidate because his wife was pro-choice in her earlier, pre-Rick life? Should we discredit Newt’s positive points because his ex-wife claimed he wanted an open marriage?

My concern is that the issue is a double-edged sword. I try to remind myself that the spouse isn’t running for office and if elected, said person will be surrounded by informed staff to help in decision making. But if you consider a typical family, so many choices are made as a team. At some point, I have to wonder how much influence a spouse could have over decisions and policy issues. Or more…does the spouse represent the true feelings of their political counterpart and they just publicly state otherwise? It’s a very fine line.

What I do find fascinating is the Bill Clinton effect on Hilary’s campaign. It was almost nonexistent. I’m not sure if people were just unwilling to beat a dead horse, if they thought Hilary was a strong enough woman to remain unaffected herself or of they simply didn’t care.

I think the lucky candidates are the ones whose wives (or husbands) don’t have a murky past or aren’t currently doing something controversial (I.e. Marcus Bachmann). Sure, the other candidates will look to dig up dirt wherever they can, but it often begins as a distraction effort and then spirals out of control and divert attention away from other things happening in the campaign. It’s certainly ridiculous to consider a spouse’s actions prior to a marriage when evaluating a candidate.

Teresa Heinz Kerry was at the center of the media in 2004 because her late first husband was a Republican and John McCain had a VERY outspoken daughter. Neither of these instances had significant impact on the ultimate direction of the campaign but they were nice distractions at the time.

Unfortunately, the media plays a strong role during election season in deciding what we see and hear about. I ask that you refrain from letting your own personal opinion of each candidate interfere with your evaluation of the role of the spouse and vis versa. I would also ask that you ignore the media reports pertaining to spouses and stay focused on the candidates that are so eager to distract and deceive you.
